Low specific-grinding energy machining of ceramics by a laser dressed diamond grinding stone

Autores: Kazuki Jodan|Koji Matsumaru|Kozo Ishizaki
Fuente: Azojomo: Journal of materials on-line [Consulta: 2006-08-31]

A laser dressing is an effective dressing method to accomplish efficient ceramic grinding. Since laser dressing achieves protrusion heights of abrasive-grains without grain dislodgment, the number of abrasive-grains in a laser dressed grinding stone (LGS) is higher than that in a mechanically dressed grinding stone (MGS), remaining the initial grain distribution. Thus, the LGS contains higher number of effective cutting edges, and forms higher number of ground grooves on a ground surface than the MGS. Consequently, the LGS can achieve lower specific grinding energy than the MGS.

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