Número de publicación: US20150010605
Fecha de publicación: 22 de enero de 2015
Inventores: Blanke Peter
Cesionario original: Blanke GmbH & Co. KG

The invention relates to a combined decoupling and heating system, in particular for installing ceramic tiling using the thin bed method, having at least one anchoring layer formed from a structure element for a filler compound that is to be introduced in the area of the upper side of the decoupling and heating system and that is ductile during processing and hardens thereafter. The anchoring layer is formed at least in part of mechanically highly stressable reinforcement fibers made of a material that itself is electrically conducting or that has become electrically conductive through coatings and/or additives, whereby the reinforcement fibers can be heated up by conducting electrical current thus forming the heating layer of an electrically operable area heating system.

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