Experimental study on stainless steel slag used in ceramic making

Autores: Zong, Y.B.|Li, Y.|Cang, D.Q.
Fuente: Pan, W.; Gong, J.H. (Eds.) CHINESE CERAMICS COMMUNICATIONS ( Advanced materials reserach; 105-106) 2010.
pp. 758-760

Composition of stainless steel slag was compared with that of ceramic paste first. DTA curves of ceramic samples were obtained to determine the firing temperature schedule. It is concluded that the stainless steel slag mixed with certain chemically pure materials can serve as raw material for the production of high added value ceramics. Pilot plant scale tests show that the principal crystal phase is diopside, contributing to the making of high strength and high density ceramics. Heating rate, cooling rate and holding time should be controlled appropriately during sintering process for the sake of forming and growth of crystals. The total performance detection of ceramic samples accords with national standards in China when stainless steel slag is used to sinter calcium-magnesium-silicon type ceramic in roller kiln. The proportion of stainless steel slag is 45% during pilot tracey. Dissolution rate of chromium during stainless steel slag used as mainly diopside type of building ceramic is only 25.17 mg/kg ceramic, which resolves the harmless of chromium. This work provides a feasible and effective way for resource of stainless steel slag.

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