Firing transformations of Chilean clays for the manufacture of ceramic tile bodies

Autores: Pardo, F.|Meseguer, S.|Jordán, M.M.|Sanfeliu, T.|González, I.
Fuente: Appl. clay sci.
51 (1-2), 147-150

This contribution is focussed on the study of the mineralogical changes occurring in the ceramic body after heating ceramic clays. Chile has an important local ceramic industry. Five deposits of clays with industrial applications were studied. The clays came from San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua (SVTT), Litueche (L), Las Compañías-Río Elqui (LC), La Herradura-Coquimbo (LH) and Monte Patria-Coquimbo (MP). The samples were heated to 830, 975, 1080 and 1160 °C keeping at the maximum temperature for 35 min. The bending strength of each ceramic body was determined at 1100°C. Mineralogical analysis of the fired samples was carried out by X-ray diffraction. The SVTT contained quartz, spinel, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite and enstatite; the LC clays quartz, mullite, spinel, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, enstatite, illite/muscovite and talc; the LH clays quartz, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, illite and augite; the MP clays quartz, cristobalite, microcline, albite, anorthite, hematite, diopside, gehlenite, enstatite and wollastonite and the L clays quartz, microcline and mullite. The persistence of illite at at least 900 °C was observed for LC and LH. SVTT and LH showed the required specifications for earthenware. The L clays were refractory clays with very low bending strength.

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