Method for the production of thin dense ceramic layers

N. de solicitud: EP20050773241
N. de publicación: EP1789600

The invention relates to a method for the production of a thin dense ceramic layer on a substrate by means of atmospheric plasma spraying, whereby the following steps are carried out: the substrate is pre-heated to a temperature corresponding to at least a quarter of the melting point of the ceramic for application in Kelvin, a ceramic powder or a ceramic powder mixture with d50-values of less than 50 gm is used as spray adjunct, particle speeds at incidence on the substrate of more than 200 m/s are set, particle temperatures are set such that on incidence on the substrate surface the particles have a temperature at least 5 % above the melting point of the ceramic for application in Kelvin, the amount of the spray adjunct and passage speed of the plasma burner are set such that on a single pass of the substrate a layer thickness of less than 100 ?m is achieved, a thin and also gas-tight layer is generated on the substrate with a single pass of the substrate which has a leakage rate of less than 10sup-1 mbar L/(cm2 s).

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