Method to produce catalytically active nanocomposite coatingsMethod to produce catalytically active nanocomposite coatings

N.  pub: US 2013/008508S A1

Inventors:  Ali Erdemir ,  Osman Levent Eryilmaz ,Mustafa Urgen  Kursat Kazmanli

A nanocomposite coating and method of making and using the coating. The nanocomposite coating is disposed on a base material, such as a metal or ceramic; and the anocomposite consists essentially of a matrix of an alloy selected from the group of Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt and Re which are catalytically active for cracking of carbon bonds in oils and greases and a grainstructure selected from the group of borides, carbides and nitrides.
Si desea obtener más información sobre este contenido contacte con nuestro Centro de DocumentaciónN. de publicación: US 2013/008508S A1

Inventores:  Ali Erdemir ,  Osman Levent Eryilmaz ,Mustafa Urgen  Kursat Kazmanli

A nanocomposite coating and method of making and using the coating. The nanocomposite coating is disposed on a base material, such as a metal or ceramic; and the anocomposite consists essentially of a matrix of an alloy selected from the group of Cu, Ni, Pd, Pt and Re which are catalytically active for cracking of carbon bonds in oils and greases and a grainstructure selected from the group of borides, carbides and nitride s.
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