Study on the lightening of ceramic tiles

Autores: Watanabe, O.|Ito, N.|Naito, H.
Fuente: Interceram
60(3-4), 218-220

The lightening of ceramic tiles was investigated in order to attain a market share of home improvement. There are several types of methods; silicon carbide powder was used in order to form closed pores in this investigation. A slight amount of it in the ceramic tile body generated CO2 gas and caused expansion of the body. Vitrification occurred by vitrifying the flux components at more than 1,000 °C. The minimum value of porosity then occurred at 1,100 °C, and expansion of the CO2 gas produced an increased porosity above 1,100 °C. As a result, the porosity reached 50 º/o at 1,200 °C. The expansion behavior showed anisotropy. That is to say, the expansion in a direction parallel to the pressure direction during forming was greater than in the vertical direction. The reason for this behavior was suggested to be the fact that the compacted micropores were distributed among the kaolinite particles during forming, and the pores expanded and changed to a spherical shape.

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