Patent: US 20140202210 A1. Coated article with heat treatable coating for concentrated solar power applications, and/or methods of making the same

Número de publicación: US20140202210 A1
Tipo de publicación: Solicitud
Número de solicitud: US 14/200,089
También publicado como: EP2526346A1, EP2526347A1, US8702253, US20110176212, US20110176236, WO2011090469A1, WO2011090784A1
Inventores: Yiwei Lu, Philip J. Lingle, David P. Maikowski, Daniel F. Prone
Cesionario original: Guardian Industries Corp.

Certain example embodiments relate to heat treatable coated articles, e.g., suitable for concentrating solar power (CSP) and/or other applications. For instance, the heat treatable coated article may be a secondary reflector panel, primary reflector, etc., where a reflective coating is disposed on a glass substrate. A portion of the reflective coating may be removed and a frit material is disposed over the reflective coating. An elevated temperature may be applied to the glass substrate, the coating, and the frit material where the frit is cured. The coated article may be left flat, or optionally cold- or hot-bent into a desired shape suitable for a desired application.

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